Astronomica Langrenus
Zeeman crater 190 km - Lippmann crater 160 km - Fizeau crater 111 km
All images in this page by software NASA World - Wind 1.3
Adaptation and image processing of this images by Astronomica Langrenus
1 - (Image by lunar globe of World Wind 1.3) - La regione dei crateri Zeeman, Lippmann, Fizeau. - The region of Zeeman, Lippmann and Fizeau craters. |
2 - (Image by lunar globe of World Wind 1.3) - La regione del cratere Zeeman, in prossimità della zona polare sud - Region of Zeeman crater, nearby the south pole. |
![]() 3 - (Image by lunar globe of World Wind 1.3) - La regione dei crateri Lippmann e Fizeau. - The region of Lippmann and Fizeau craters. |