Astronomica Langrenus
Komarov crater, 78 km, with interesting structures in his area
All images in this page by Virtual Moon Atlas VMA and software by NASA World - Wind 1.3
Adaptation and image processing of this images by Astronomica Langrenus
1 - (Image by lunar globe of Virtual Moon Atlas - VMA) - Il cratere Komarov, diametro di 78 km - Komarov crater, 78 km diameter. |
2 - (Image by lunar globe of Virtual Moon Atlas - VMA) - Ingrandimento dell'area del cratere Komarov - Enlargment image of Komarov area. |
3 - (Image by lunar globe of Virtual Moon Atlas - VMA) - Ingrandimento dell'area del cratere Komarov - Enlargment image of Komarov area. |
4 - (Image by lunar globe of World Wind 1.3) - Ingrandimento dell'area del cratere Komarov - Enlargment image of Komarov area. |
5 - (Image by lunar globe of Virtual Moon Atlas - VMA) - Questa è una gran brutta immagine, estremamente ingrandita al fine di evidenziare alcune strutture osservabili all'interno del cratere Komarov - A very bad image with more enlargment, to observe the features inside in the Komarov crater. |
6 - (Image by Lunar Orbiter Photographic Atlas of the Moon - LOPAM) - Il cratere Komarov in una ripresa del Lunar Obiter - Komarov crater by LOPAM. |